Learn how a career that starts with teaching can open doors for your future. Where will teaching take you?
Teachers learn skills that can take you almost anywhere you want to, like leadership, communication, creative problem-solving and teamwork. So whether you stay in the classroom or set your sights beyond, let’s look at some of the ways you could grow your career.
Of course, this is just a taste! There are as many career possibilities as there are teachers—and you get to decide how your journey will look.
Want to learn more about where a teaching career might take you, or how to become a teacher? Schedule a free career coaching session!
TeachNC coaches are experienced educators who have been where you are. Sign up for group or 1-on-1 coaching, over phone, video or email—whatever works best for you!
Explore how much school principals earn, learn how to become a principal, and discover the step-by-step process and credentials you'll need to get started.
Read MoreLearn how to earn your NC teaching license in our comprehensive step-by-step guide. TeachNC is your No. 1 source for teaching in North Carolina.
Read More(1) NBPTS Guidelines. North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. https://www.dpi.nc.gov/documents/fbs/finance/legislation/salarypersonnel/guidelines-national-board-professional-teaching/download
(2) Principal Pay in North Carolina. BEST NC. https://bestnc.org/principalpay/
(3) School Superintendent Salary North Carolina. Salary Expert. https://www.salaryexpert.com/salary/job/school-superintendent/united-states/north-carolina
(4) Education Teachers, Postsecondary. United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes251081.htm
(5) Operations Research Analysts. United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes152031.htm#st
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Hero: Jopwell Collection