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photo collage with three people who have become teachers, a recent grad, a military veteran and a former engineer

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Teachers: Leaders Shaping Lives

Teaching is an intellectually stimulating, fulfilling, and fun job where you can innovate to prepare kids for our fast-changing world. It's a job where YOU matter.

That's why we're getting the word out about what it's really like to teach. Check out the PSA and sign up to learn more about how TEACH is helping the next generation of change-making educators get their start.

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  • Advice from licensure experts
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A mockup of the TEACH dashboard

Once you sign up, you’ll have access to everything we offer, right from your personalized dashboard.

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Need help along the way?

A photo collage of four of the TEACH certification advisors

Get a full set of self-help tools, guides, and how-tos. Have questions? TEACH Navigators are ready to help. Use our live chat tool to get answers, or meet with a certification expert in a small group or one-on-one.

Next stop, teaching.

No matter where you're starting, there's a path to teaching for you. We'll help you find it and be with you every step of the way.

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