Edgecombe County Public Schools
Hear from Leigh Ann Webb about the calling to teach at Edgecombe County Schools.
Meet Leigh Ann Webb
Teacher Ambassador

I teach in Edgecombe County because this I where was born and raised. I cannot imagine teaching anywhere else than in this community where I grew up and where friends and family continue to live. I have had the opportunity through the years to teach several generations and it means a lot to me to know I may have left a small mark on my home county. I do not believe there is any school district with more love, innovation or compassion for students and their families than Edgecombe County Public Schools.

- 9-10th Grade Advanced Composition, and 11th, 12th and Super Seniors Scholar Teacher
- 2019 ECPS Teacher of the Year, Scholar Teacher Director
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
To me, teaching is a calling. I have been inspired to teach for the past 27 years because of the students who have come through my classroom doors. I love their energy, their curiosity, and they truly make me happy. I have never once doubted my decision to go into teaching and I cannot think of any career that would be more fulfilling than being a teacher. I look forward to every day that I go into my classroom because I receive so much more from my students than anyone could ever imagine. They enlighten me, inspire me, and truly bring me joy. When I see those high school students sitting before me, I see hope for the future, and I see so many dreams that will be fulfilled. There is no greater calling to me in life than being a teacher.