Franklin County Schools
Hear from Carol Forrest about the love of teaching in Franklin County.
Meet Carol Forrest
Teacher Ambassador

Franklin County Schools is my home, where my neighbors and students live. We are a community and I want to give my time, efforts, and talents to the families and students in Franklin County. The county is full of committed educators of excellence. I learn from them and contribute to this community of professionals in collaboration, planning, problem-solving, and enjoying students together. Franklin County Schools has administrators who listen, work with staff, and are present for our learning community.

- K-3rd Grade Special Education Teacher
- 2010 Teacher of the Month, Nyssa School District, Nyssa, Oregon
- 2014 Teacher of the Year, Cedar Creek Middle School
- 2019 Teacher of the Year, Long Mill Elementary School
- 2019 Teacher of the Year, Franklin County Schools
- 2020 Burroughs Wellcome Fund North Central Regional Teacher of the Year
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
I love Mondays! I love Mondays as much as most people love Fridays. I love Mondays because I am a teacher, and I am ready to see my students and move on together to new lessons, new experiences, new creations, and new celebrations in learning. I love Mondays because I prepare for my students, looking at what they have achieved and what they still need. I look at what will inspire and motivate them. I find the one struggling and do a task analysis so that I can address the academic or skill need. I reflect on the excitement in learning, the successes in social interactions, the opportunities that I can make stronger with my support or presence. I hear the laughter, the exclamations, and I see the contentment of being at school with my students and my team and I know that I have been a catalyst to learning. I have spent the weekend thinking about what I can do to help my students grow. So, come on Monday! Let's get to work!