Public Schools of Robeson County

Public Schools of Robeson County

Hear from Alexis Rozier about her daily inspiration to teach at Public Schools of Robeson County.

Meet Alexis Rozier

Teacher Ambassador

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I teach in Robeson County because I believe it’s where I’m most needed. My students come from different cultural backgrounds and home environments. That provides a challenging environment for me as a teacher. I enjoy the diversity as I teach and grow my students as individuals. My style of teaching, methods, and materials change each year based on the personal background of the student in my classroom. I gain experience, knowledge, and improvement in my teaching from the students I have each year.

Alexis Rozier


  • 3rd Grade Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies Teacher



  • 2020 Teacher of the Year Public Schools of Robeson County
  • 2020 Teacher of the Year for St. Pauls Elementary School
  • National Board Certified Middle Childhood Generalist
  • 2019 Teacher of the Month for St. Pauls Elementary School
  • 5th Grade Level Chair
  • SIT Member
  • Science Fair Team Leader/Organizer

Teacher Certification Program

Why I Teach

My students are my inspiration to teach every day. All of my students have helped to mold me into a better teacher each and every year. Teaching is never boring, but my students really challenge me to do better and to do more. I want to change my lessons and materials to make them more interactive, more engaging, and more student centered. My students have made me go back and really look hard at what I do and why I do it. I examine all of my materials and lessons to ask myself the main question of what do my students really get out of this. I keep evolving as a teacher because of my students and how they challenge me every year. My students are also my inspiration because I want them to be able to love learning and to love what they learn. I want school to be more than just a place they go to take a test. I want it to be a place of new experiences, engaging activities, a place to grow as an individual, and a place where they feel safe and excited to be every day. A place they want to come to and be happy. Not all of my students have that safe, loving, and happy environment at home. School is that place for so many of my students, and I want my classroom to be that safe and loving place. I want them to be able to grow not only as a student, but also as an individual. Each student is special, and I want them to be able to cultivate that individuality.

Public Schools of Robeson County by the numbers

  • 2,200

    Dedicated Teachers

  • 21,000

    Engaged Learners

About Public Schools of Robeson County

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