Rest, recharge and relax after a busy school year. Whether it’s spending time napping on a backyard hammock, going for a walk or doing nothing at all, recuperation is a high priority.
Catch up on those zzzzz’s you might have missed during the year.
Plan a trip of a lifetime to a far-flung place or explore your own city. A huge benefit of being a teacher is the freedom to travel during the summer. Road trips, hikes or day trips are all fun, and you’ll have something to look forward to all year!
Finally get a chance to read a book not written for kids!
Companies love hiring teachers. Your teaching experience shows that you’re reliable, responsible, great under pressure and can work with all kinds of personalities. Many teachers take part-time summer jobs, teach summer school, tutor or do other side hustles to make some money during their time off from school.
Volunteer at your favorite museum, local library or community center.
Use your free time to coach a summer sport for kids or adults!
Wake up without an alarm, spend a day screen-free, and get so relaxed you’ll be asking yourself—what day is it again?
Get outside
Soak up the sun—with sunscreen of course. Hike, bike, run, walk, lay on the beach or take a dip in a lake.
Spend time with family and friends
Nurture those relationships you have with those closest to you. Make memories that will outlast your summer.
Do everyday things
Go out to lunch like all of your non-teacher friends, grocery shop in the middle of the day, and catch up on everything you didn’t have time for during the school year.
Take a class or workshop
You might even ask your school to cover the cost if it's school-related! As long as it helps you become a better teacher it’s worth asking for!
Try a new hobby
Always wanted to take pottery lessons or learn to play pickleball? Now’s your chance!
Lesson planning
Spend a little (or a lot) of time planning for the year ahead! You might even meet up with your colleagues to plan as a group. Make the most of it and meet at a park or restaurant.
Professional Development
You might have some mandatory teacher training or other meetings for school. Look on the bright side; at least you won’t have to make sub plans to attend!
Shop for school supplies
Can any teacher walk by the school supply aisle without taking just a little peek? Take advantage of those back-to-school sales and stock up on anything you’re low on for the upcoming year. You’ll thank yourself later.
Decorate and organize your classroom
Put on some music and enjoy rearranging, organizing, and making your workspace functional and refreshed. Summertime is perfect for sprucing up your classroom before your new students arrive.