Sampson County Schools
Hear from Shannon Sinclair about maturing as a teacher and role model at Sampson County Schools.
Meet Shannon Sinclair
Teacher Ambassador

Sampson County is very dependent on an agricultural economy and has many economically disadvantaged families. We need quality teachers, especially in science and math, connected to the community, so children have the best education possible. Sampson County is my home! Overwhelmed and feeling ignorant in my first year in college, I decided that my number one goal would be to ensure my students are successful in the real world and never feel unprepared or inferior to students from other systems.

- 9th-12th Grade Honors Earth Science & Honors Chemistry Teacher
- 1995-96, 1996-97, 1998-99, 1999-00—>Volleyball Coach at Midway High School, Conference Champions each year
- 1999-2000—Tandy Corporation Scholar Award
- 2000-2001—Teacher of the Year, Midway High School
- 2009-2010—Assistant Program Director for Burroughs Welcome Biotech Grant at Sampson Early College
- 2009-2010—Sampson County’s Shining Star Award
- 2009-2010—Teacher of the Year, Sampson Early College High School
- 2013-2014—Teacher of the Year, Sampson Early College High School
- 2020-2021—Teacher of the Year, Sampson Early College High School
- 2020-2021—Teacher of the Year, Sampson County Schools
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
My teaching began twenty-nine years ago and was inspired by several educators I admired and respected during my K-12 years. What exactly inspires me to continue to teach in the secondary environment has changed throughout my career. In the beginning, I found that I wanted to save all those lost souls and not to brag, I did reach quite a few. I was young, full of enthusiasm, and it was easy for the high school students to confide in me. After a few years, I noticed things started to shift. I was not as young, but the students I taught were still in the same age range, so I did not connect with them as much as I had in my earlier years. So, I became very active in sponsoring clubs, coaching sports, and volunteering for dances and such. These activities with the students seemed to help, and I felt connected again. I always felt confident in my abilities to teach my subject matter, but the connection with the students was a struggle because of the age difference. To me, the relationship is just as meaningful as the actual teaching. In my later years, I have now accepted my role as a mother. Yes, I am a school mom. I understand that most of my students need nurturing at school as well as in their homelives. They also need someone who will be honest with them and, at times, stern. Unfortunately, many are not getting this in their homes, so I do what I can to provide this emotional need and overall support in the school environment. So, to say my students inspire me to teach and continue to teach would be a definite yes. I teach for them not only to educate but to support them through these difficult years.