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North Carolina State University


At NC State University, we create prosperity for North Carolina and the nation. We began as a land-grant institution grounded in agriculture and engineering. Today, we’re a preeminent research enterprise that excels across disciplines.

NC State is a powerhouse in science, technology, engineering and math. We lead in agriculture, education, textiles, business and natural resources management. We’re at the forefront of teaching and research in design, the humanities and the social sciences. And we’re home to one of the world’s best colleges of veterinary medicine.

Our more than 35,000 undergraduate and graduate students learn by doing. They pursue original research and start new companies. They forge connections with top employers and serve communities local and global. Through it all, they enjoy an outstanding return on investment.

The College of Education ranks No. 1 in North Carolina for colleges with education degrees (College Magazine)

  • College or University
  • Raleigh, NC

Institution Links

  • Admissions
  • Financial Aid Office
  • Online Application
Armando Salazar-Cardoso

The NC State College of Education has made me a better person and has helped me find my true self and my voice. While here, I was able to find out what I truly wanted to do with my life—and that is to spread my love and joy for science.

Armando Salazar-Cardoso

NC State logo


Bachelor’s & licensure

Teacher Education Program

  • 48 months

    Program Duration

  • In-person

    Program Format

  • Pre-Test Required


Relevant Links

Program Info

The NC State College of Education is a research powerhouse grounded in its land-grant mission. The college is North Carolina’s largest supplier of STEM educators, consistently ranks as the top teacher preparation program in the state across multiple variables and has established a leadership pipeline for schools, community colleges and higher education in North Carolina.

The college enrolls over 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students, and its faculty currently engage in nearly 120 research projects funded through over $90 million in active research and development grants—the most of any college of education in North Carolina.

The College of Education ranks among the top 12 percent in the U.S. News & World Report’s rankings and among the top one percent in the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings. 

The College of Education ranks No. 1 in North Carolina for colleges with education degrees (College Magazine)

Upcoming Deadlines

  • Deadlines

    Program Start

  • Jun. 01, 2025

  • Jan. 15, 2026

  • Feb. 15, 2026

  • Rolling Deadline

  • Rolling Deadline

  • Rolling Deadline

  • Rolling Deadline


Get Deadline Reminders

Application Fee & Annual Tuition

Learn how to get$100 Back
and apply for a$1000 Scholarship

  • $7,852

    In State Tuition

  • $21,951

    Out of State Tuition

  • $75

    Application Fee

Ways to Lower Your Costs

Students at North Carolina State University have reduced the cost of their program using these methods. Check with North Carolina State University to see if you can, too!



The Park Scholarship is valued at up to $110,000 in-state and $200,000 out of state for four years.


The Goodnight Scholars Program for STEM Disciplines is valued at $20,500 a year.

$500-$5000 a year

There are over 75 scholarship opportunities for College of Education students. Scholarship amounts may vary.

$8,250 per year

Teaching Fellows is a competitive, merit-based loan forgiveness program. More information about this scholarship can be found at myapps.northcarolina.edu/ncteachingfellows.

For more information visit:Financial Aid Office

Licensure Areas

Agriculture Education (9-12)
Career & Technology Education (9-12)
Elementary Education (K-6)
English (9-12)
English as a Second Language (K-12)
French (K-12)
German (K-12)
Language Arts, Middle Grades (6-9)
Math (9-12)
Math, Middle Grades (6-12)
Science (9-12)
Science, Middle Grades (6-9)
Social Studies (9-12)
Social Studies, Middle Grades (6-9)
Spanish (K-12)

Program Overview

Program Hallmarks

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