Tyrrell County Schools
Hear from Jennifer Brickhouse about impact and inspiration at Tyrrell County Schools.
Meet Jennifer Brickhouse
Teacher Ambassador

We are family at Tyrrell County Schools. Here, collaboration is encouraged, creativity and innovation are supported, and teacher growth is amplified. We all benefit from the support of administration and staff, smaller class sizes, and professional development opportunities. Columbia High School is an Early College with a phenomenal Career and Technical Education program. I love working here because OUR first goal is making the educational experience better for ALL students. Tyrrell County is home.

- 9th - 12th Grade Math Teacher
- High School AIG Building Representative
- BETA club Co-leader
- Math Department Chair
- Professional Learning Community Lead
- Soundside Freewill Baptist Youth Leader
- Started an AIG Club
- Cheerleading Coach
- School Improvement Team Member
- Apple Teacher Certified
- Prom Club Leader
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
I teach because of the IMPACT, and not the impact you may think, but the one I get from this life. I am impacted by my students, my colleagues, my administrators, the challenges, the professional development, the outside of the box thinking. I LOVE MY JOB. I love that every day brings something different. I love that every semester I get to know a new group of students and miss the old ones like crazy. Initially, becoming a teacher and STAYING a teacher was a push to beat the odds. I still remember being told numerous times that 50% of teachers “don’t last”. That was not me… I was not going to be one of those teachers. I was INSPIRED by the challenge! The challenge has evolved but the inspiration has remained. I am pushed by everyone around me. They inspire me more than they know. In the words of Rainer Maria Rilke - If, when you wake up in the morning, you can think of nothing but TEACHING… then you are a TEACHER. In whatever you do be a light. Day-in and day-out, I will be their teacher, their friend, their counselor...I will last.