Wayne County Schools
Hear from Scott Hardy about a different call of duty at Wayne County Public Schools.
Meet Scott Hardy
Teacher Ambassador

I came to Wayne County Public Schools because there was a job opening, but I have stayed for 22 years because of the people. At Spring Creek High School, I found not only strong staff and school, but a family. For many years, this district provided me the opportunity to see the world and bring that world to my students. Those experiences are impactful and lasting. It is easy to be loyal to an administration that is loyal to you.

- 9th - 12th Grade Social Studies Teacher
- 2020 Wayne County Public Schools Teacher of the Year
- 2018-present Social Studies Department chair
- 2012 Wayne County Public Schools MODEL Educator
- 2011 Wayne Co. Association of Educator Outstanding Achievement Award
- 2011 Seymour Johnson Air Force Base Hometown Hero, Thunderbirds Honor Flight
- 2010-present Clinical Teacher
- 2010 Kinston Free Press 20 Under 40 Award
- 2010 Wayne County Public Schools Teacher of the Year
- 2004 Earned National Board Certification
- 2002-2016 Director of Spring Creek High World View Global Studies program
- 1999 Spring Creek High School WCPS MS Softball Coach of the Year
- 1999-present Fellowship of Christian Athletes advisor
Teacher Certification Program
Why I Teach
I should have listened to my teachers, the many who encouraged me to apply for the NC Teaching Fellows Program, each seeing something in me that I did not see at the time. But the lure of flashing lights and a call of duty to my fellow citizens drew me down a path of service that seemed, at the time, more exciting. As a Greene County Sheriff’s Deputy, I enforced laws involving juveniles and investigated crimes committed against minors. My job was funded through a Federal grant called Amer-I-Can, whose president and founder is Jim Brown, the greatest football player of all time. I worked with Mr. Brown to start a program at Greene Central High School to teach at-risk youth. For the grant, we had to create a curriculum which taught stories of American history meant to be inspirational and influence students to choose an industrious path in life. History is my love, so writing the curriculum was a joy. The administration created the roster, consisting of the twenty students with the most discipline referrals and worst attendance, three of which I had arrested. Seeing the roster, one teacher remarked, “You’re gonna need that gun on your side.” The first day I planned to dazzle them with my grasp of American history only to have a student stand up and curse at me in the first five minutes of class. It was not easy, but I was baptized by fire, and quickly learned my teaching philosophy which has shaped my entire career: kids don’t care how much you know; they want to know how much you care. And when children know you care, they’ll go the extra mile for you and for themselves. I stopped carrying a gun on my side and built a rapport with each student as I brought them through the tales of American history. It was in that class that I realized my true calling. I would like to think that I forever changed those students, but in truth, they forever changed me. I enrolled at East Carolina University to get my teaching certification and have never looked back.